Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
When buying or selling a home, the estimated fair market value (FMV) typically provides a starting point for setting a sale price. When you seek a mortgage, refinance a home loan, or borrow against home equity, FMV is typically used to determine the amount of the loan a lender will extend to you. Here’s how FMV is estimated and how it can influence home pricing and financing.
Fair market value is defined as the price an ideal buyer and seller would agree to, assuming no pressing circumstances and full awareness on both sides of the advantages and flaws of the item being sold. Applied to real estate, FMV is an estimate of the amount a home would sell for under current market conditions. Typically calculated by a real estate agent or professional appraiser, FMV is based on comparisons to recent sale prices on similar properties in the area.
FMV is influenced by characteristics of a given property, including:
In the context of a home sale, fair market value often serves as the basis for setting an asking price. A real estate agent may or may not automatically recommend using a calculated FMV as the listing price, in light of market conditions. In markets where prices are rising amid brisk sales and high demand, for instance, they might recommend an asking price above FMV. In a market where sales are sluggish and home prices are flat or in decline, listing at a discount from FMV might be advisable.
Lenders use FMV to determine a home’s worth when issuing new mortgages and mortgage-refinance loans, and to calculate your home equity when issuing home equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs). If you seek a mortgage or a loan against the equity in your home, the lender will typically require you to pay for a home appraisal, conducted by a professional of their choosing, to determine the home’s FMV.
To determine fair market value, real estate pros typically look for at least three comparable properties, or “comps”—houses with attributes similar to those of the home in question—that sold in the same area within the past few months.
If all three properties were identical to the house under evaluation, their average sale price would serve as FMV. Of course, no two properties are exactly the same, so adjustments typically are made in light of differences in the properties.
If one of the comps has one and a half bathrooms, for example, and your home has two full bathrooms, the evaluator might pad the comp’s sale price. Conversely, if one comp has a finished basement while yours has an unfinished basement, that comp’s sale price might be adjusted downward.
The amounts of these adjustments are based on the evaluator’s experience and knowledge of what various home features are worth in their local markets. After the comps’ sale prices are adjusted to conform with the home in question, they are averaged to provide a fair market value.
If suitable comps cannot be identified—for instance, if a house has unusual features that aren’t shared by any other local properties, or if no properties with similar attributes have sold nearby within the last year—a more formal property appraisal typically is hired to determine FMV. Their methods might include:
Fair market value plays an important role in the pricing of homes for sale in a given community, and in determining how much you can borrow when buying a home or using it as collateral on a loan. If you’re considering seeking a mortgage, home equity loan, or HELOC, check your credit report and your FICO® Score from Experian to get an idea of how lenders will view your application. If appropriate, consider taking steps to spruce up your credit before applying for a loan.
For any mortgage service needs, call O1ne Mortgage at 213-732-3074. We are here to assist you with the best mortgage solutions tailored to your needs.